Saturday, April 25, 2009

Three Time Lugo: Paraguay And Liberation Theology

As a third woman came forward claiming that she had borne the child of former bishop now President Fernand Lugo, another Paraguayan (Opus Dei) Bishop Rogelio Livieres said the Church had known for years about Lugo's misconduct but had kept silent.
Justify Full
"At the time, the monsignor gave me his support but took advantage of my great need and induced me to have relations," she was quoted as saying in local media. "In a year, I got pregnant by him. A midwife delivered my baby in the same house where I was living, whose rent he paid."

Link (here)

Lugo and Liberation Theology (here) , (here) , (here) and (here)

Irish Jesuit, Fr. Fergus
O'Donoghue on the Lugo revelations.

The admission of paternity by Fernando Lugo, formerly a Catholic bishop and now President of Paraguay, is one of the more depressing news items of the past week.
President Lugo may even have fathered other children, whilst still a bishop, but even one case of involvement with a much younger woman diminishes the reputation of a man who presented himself as the symbol of a new wave of hope and renewal in Paraguayan politics.
Lugo has shown that he’s as full of machismo as the average male in his country, and as ready to exploit his popularity and prestige.

Read the rest of Fr. Fergus' blog post (here)

Jesuit history in Paraguay (here) , (here) and (here)

Photo is of President Fernando Lugo and the petty tyrant Hugo Chavez


  1. but poor joe

    is it a news????? In my Country the huge magority of priests,and bishops, has sex and love affaire with women.

    Nisi caste saltem caute is the Church motto.

  2. Adultery is Adultery, no matter what country you live in.

  3. Adultery is Adultery, no matter what country you live in.

    Lol! Do you think the church cares about this? you are naive.

  4. Yes, I do think the Church cares about this. The Church is every baptized person. The point I was try to illustrate. Is that Liberation Theology is not about the poor, but a cover for exactly the point you are trying to make.



  5. Joe

    "Is that Liberation Theology is not about the poor, but a cover for exactly the point you are trying to make."

    I live in Italy, Joe, north Italy.
    We don't have Liberation Theology here, the Church makes a cover
    for priests having sex.

  6. "Jesus gave no cover." for the abuse scandal in US too, the church did.


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