Saturday, April 11, 2009

Re-allocation Of The Wealth

Yes, Father, but what is Liberation Theology all about?

Father Alfred Hennelly, S.J. says it is nothing less than a total transformation of the Christian’s conception of his role as a member of the faithful.

A re-orientation towards the interests and needs of the poor and downtrodden, a re-allocation of the wealth of the community (and of the Church, too) towards the service of those who are as fundamentally entitled to food, land, and justice as those who already have it in abundance.

“There is a need,” he says, “to face realidád, reality”; Christians need to adopt “interaction versus monologue”: one’s faith must color all of one’s interactions. The Church is not a one-stop station for loading up on heaven’s goodies, it should be the launching point of an effort to apply teachings on social justice to everyday life.

Link (here)

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