Sunday, April 11, 2010

Polish Jesuit And The Divine Mercy In Africa

In 1989 whilst promoting the message of Divine Mercy Val Conlon met Polish Jesuit Fr. Jacub Rostworowski in Dublin, who was on his way to Zambia to serve as a missionary. Fr. Jacub was influenced to become a priest after seeing his father who was a professional artist paint the Image of Divine Mercy in his studio in Cracow.
After his ordination Fr. Jacub was appointed Chaplain first at the Hospital in Rabka. This is the hospital where Saint Faustina had convalessed during her final bout of illness, and then he became Chaplin at the convent where she died.
Fr. Jacub invited Val to visit all the places associated with Saint Faustina in Cracow before his departure for the missions. Since then they have been friends and when Fr. Jacub started working with poor children and orphans in Zambia H.U.D.T started to help him with his work.

Children in Zambia with
The Divine Mercy Image

With your generosity, we will continue our Works of Mercy in Zambia where Fr. Jacub is bringing Divine Mercy in real terms to his parishioners. There are many ongoing projects, we are helping him build a school, a Divine Mercy Church, and a Shrine. Link (here)

School being built in Zambia by H.U.D.T

Fr. Jacub is helped by H.U.D.T

Marian Shrine built by Fr. Jacub and H.U.D.T in Zambia

Divine Mercy Devotees in Zambia

Letter from Fr.Jacub to Val Conlon thanking him for all the help he has received from H.U.D.T in helping his community in Zambia.

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