Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Just In Case You Missed This One


By Paul Likoudis

The role of "small faith communities" and the "new biblical scholarship" in institutionalizing the homosexual agenda in the Catholic Church is
clearly spelled out in a powerful book written by an ex-Jesuit who left the order after he fell in love with a fellow Jesuit.
The book, Dr. Robert Goss' "Jesus Acted Up", published by Harper San Francisco, is a tour de force, providing incontrovertible evidence of the link between dissident theologians and the rise of a militant homosexual movement in the Church, one committed to overthrowing the Church's 2,000-year moral and doctrinal tradition.
In his heavily annotated book, Goss, who holds advanced degrees in Scripture studies from the Jesuit Weston School of Theology and Harvard University,
shows how such contemporary Catholic scholars as Hans Kung, Raymond Brown, Andre Guindon, John Dominic Crossan, John Meier, James Drane, Paul Hollenbach, Xavier John Seubert, Mary Hunt, Rosemary Radford Ruether, Leonardo Boff, Jon Sobrino, and dozens of others-many of whom remain "in good standing" with the American hierarchy-are dismantling orthodox theology while reconstructing a new "queer theology" that affirms the sexual experiences of homosexuals, lesbians, and bisexuals.

Have I got your attention? Read the full article (here)

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