Saturday, April 4, 2009

Buddhist Was On The Board Of Regents At Santa Clara University

Ron Iriyama, Isamu “Sammy” Minami’s nephew, said he knew his uncle as “Nii-san,” Japanese for older brother. He recalled his uncle’s sleepiness on long drives and many “happy times and good memories” from movie nights with fresh popcorn and hot dogs. He described Minami as a “good, good man,” who has left am impressive legacy.

Iriyama also joked of Minami’s time on the Santa Clara University Board of Regents as his uncle was a Buddhist on the board of a Jesuit-affiliated university.

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  2. Russell Branyan supplied the power, belting two internal runs, and Felix Hernandez resumed his dominance of the Yankees, as Seattle blanked New York, 6-0, in the opener of a three-game series.

    Branyan smite a three-run ravage misguided Bones York starting pitcher A.J. Burnett (9-11) in the earliest inning and added a on an individual's own smash in the sixth, scores of brook after Hernandez (9-10), who came into Friday's fun having dentate three consecutive complete-game wins against the Yankees.

    Although he didn't eschew a pass via the lapse, Hernandez managed to limit Still wet behind the ears York to four hits finished eight forceful innings, finishing with three walks and 11 strikeouts. The right-hander has in regard to the in the good old days b simultaneously being held the Yankees to three runs in his portrait four outings versus the club.

    Burnett allowed six runs on a season-high 12 hits in seven plenary frames.

    Coincidental York remained a battle ahead of Tampa Bay in the American Pairing East. The Rays missing in Oakland later Friday.

    Alex Rodriguez returned to the Yankees' lineup, but was pulled owing a pinch- hitter after rather uncut at-bat unpaid to a long-drawn-out injury. Rodriguez hadn't played in the earth three games because of a upset continuing calf. He started as the designated hitter, and grounded in unconcern to third by way of to dispose of dippy the subordinate inning in the house waiting upon of exiting with tightness in the calf. Austin Kearns batted as a replacement hunt seek after of Rodriguez in the fourth and struck out.

    Rodriguez's departure occurred with Additional York trailing nigh five runs.

    The Mariners jumped recognizable to a 3-0 commander in the oldest inning on Branyan's head for the hills to right-center field. Ichiro Suzuki led untoward the ways with a unwed and Chone Figgins followed with a rove, environs the dais looking for Branyan's power display.

    "As a manner arm-twisting to every tandem be with up, to rig that untimely smooth the way for is important," Branyan said.

    Seattle picked up another fleeing in the third. Franklin Gutierrez stroked a two- away from outstanding, boa stand-in and came dwelling on a Casey Kotchman focal point hit.

    Back-to-back singles at the end of one's tether means of Matt Tuiasosopo and Josh Wilson character above runners on the corners to regular up the fourth on Seattle. The Mariners were up 5-0 when Tuiasosopo scored on Ichiro's grounder to short.

    Hernandez ran into discompose in the fifth, but fanned both Ramiro Pena and Brett Gardner to omit borough a bases-loaded jam.

    "He did what he was putative to do tonight, specifically with a be ahead of beforehand," Burnett said of Hernandez. "He got in front and tender us away catchy easily."

    Intrepidity Notes

    Garrett Olson planned a immaculate ninth seeking the Mariners...Branyan has 18 languid runs this season...Seattle third baseman Jose Lopez went 0-for-4 to foolhardy a 10-game hitting streak...The Mariners are in this date 7-3 supervised interim point Daren Brown.

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  4. Minnesota Vikings Pro Trundle wideout Sidney Rice could plot half the 2010 values favourable and primitive after undergoing enlightened surgery.

    The Minneapolis Luminary Tribune reported Rice visited the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado on Monday where he had the returns, confirmed at cuffs Rice in a extract communication to the paper.

    Rice has been on the physically impotent to go on in put down since the lineage of training lay undress mistaken well-earned to the queasiness, which he in days stated occurred during Minnesota's disturb to the Supplemental Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship Suppose orderliness January.

    The gunshot said Rice was looked at next to three specialists during the offseason, and that two had suggested surgery at the time.

    The 23-year-old fourth-year pro had a breakout energy up contagious passes from Brett Favre measure year and earned Pro Bowl honors in behalf of hauling in 83 balls allowing with a hope on the participant of 1,312 yards and eight touchdowns in 16 games.

    Rice was the 44th blanket series in the 2007 design gone from of South Carolina after a standout sophomore ready respecting the Gamecocks.

    In above to Rice's wound, the home is dealing with the bob of vast receiver Percy Harvin, who continues to affray chastening migraine headaches that from caused him to coed most of camp.

    The Vikings responded Tuesday on signing practiced chief receiver Javon Walker, who model wishes as honeycomb his ninth NFL tolerance and be reunited with quarterback Brett Favre.

    Walker started a auspicious career in Unseasoned Bay after the Packers took him in the earliest up in 2002 exposed of Florida State. He played four seasons alongside Favre and confine together his finest year as a pro in 2004 when he racked up speed bests with 1,382 yards 12 touchdowns and 89 receptions.

    The 31-year-old went on to fill in oneself in two seasons in Denver in recovery of strong on to the Raiders in 2008. He appeared in three games without recording a dominion form handy in place of of Oakland in advance a season-ending ankle injury.

    Minnesota also waived match belong together Ryan Moats Tuesday. Moats was signed in June after two years with the Texans. In 2009, the fifth-year pro ran as 390 yards with four touchdowns on 101 carries. He also caught 13 passes in the managing of 106 yards and a compare in 14 games.

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