Thursday, April 2, 2009

America Magazine Blogger Attacks Bishops

Exclusive: President of US Bishops' Conference: Notre Dame Obama Invite an "Extreme Embarrassment"

By Kathleen Gilbert

NOTRE DAME, Indiana, March 31, 2009 ( - Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, has said that the University of Notre Dame's decision to host and honor President Obama at their commencement ceremony this year was an "extreme embarrassment" to Catholics.

"Whatever else is clear, it is clear that Notre Dame didn't understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation,"
George told the crowd at a conference Saturday on the Vatican document Dignitatis Personae. The conference was hosted by the Chicago archdiocese's Respect Life office and Office for Evangelization at the Marriott O'Hare hotel.

Link (here)

America Magazine blogger Michael Sean Winters writes,

"Cardinal Francis George has now entered the fray regarding Notre Dame’s invitation to President Barack Obama to deliver the commencement address this year. A total of nine bishops have issued statements on the matter, which have sadly come precariously close to disrespecting the President and more than amply shown how out of touch the bishops are with the culture in which they live."

Link (here)

What is the definition of Sacrilegious?


  1. This coming from the same article
    "Let us also be clear that the pro-life movement has been unable to change the culture in the past thirty years on this issue. They have not only failed to change the laws, they have failed to find ways to lower the abortion rate. And, like their pro-choice counterparts, they are suspicious of efforts to reduce the abortion rate not because they will fail but because they fear they will work and deny both extremes their funding and their raison d’etre."

  2. Dear Gregory,
    Thank you for your contribution but that statement that you quote is a lie. There have been so many legal advances in last thirty years, for example all of the parental notification laws, the viewing of the sonograms and exct. We are only one vote shy in the Supreme Court from overturning Roe.
    Not to mention we are at a low point in the number of abortions preformed.

    The only extreme is the those that wish to kill baby's. If we equate murder with the defense of life, than we have really lost our moral compass.



  3. I just shows the intergrity of said author.


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