Saturday, March 7, 2009

U2 And Good Morning America Shoot Segment At Jesuit University

Good Morning America chose Fordham for the segment for its location and “warmth.” But as a Catholic and Jesuit university dedicated to graduating “men and women for others,” it is particularly fitting that U2 would perform at Fordham.
“U2 transcends rockstardom,” said Fordham-president Father Joseph McShane, S.J. “They are deeply committed to social justice and advocacy.” McShane added that the band represents a group who display “great joy in life by giving back to others.”
U2’s performance brought Fordham into 4.5 million homes this morning, “rightly putting Fordham on the map,” McShane said — and helping the campus justify its 2007 Newsweek title of “Hottest Catholic School in America.”

Link (here) to the Rolling Stone Magazine article

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