Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jesuit Film Reviewer Gives Thumbs Up To Reincarnation Film

Hindus have applauded Catholics for praising a film whose central theme is reincarnation.

Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that reincarnation or rebirth (punarjanma) was a central tenet in Hinduism. Ancient Hindu scriptures, including Upanishads and Bhagavad-Gita (Song of the Lord), elaborate it.

Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting described “Dean Spanley”, releasing on March five in Australia, as “just a delight for ear and eye, for the emotions and for the mind” and “For those who like their films visually appealing and literate, intelligent and delightful, this will be a most satisfying entertainment.”

Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting, which reviews the films, has been established by the Bishops Commission for Mission and Faith Formation under Australian Catholics Bishops Conference of Catholic Church in Australia. Rev Dr Richard Leonard SJ is its director.

Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. Reincarnation is not what most human beings think it to be. It is not within the powers of a human being to manifest life... take rebirth or reincarnate! It is our soul atman that is the master and controller of the body. It is our soul atman that has manifested the human form to work out its karma... remove the dross impurities within.

    The entire life span of 96.4 million earthly years in the life of a soul atman is one single span of life. The life span of human beings averaging 70 to 80 years is a mere speck in the vast array of cosmic life span of a soul atman. The human manifestation by the soul atman is like changing of garment... manifestation to manifestation uninterruptedly!

    When nothing ever dies in the life span of a soul atman... how can anything reincarnate or rebirth? The Sacred Bhagavad Gita of Hinduism makes the concept of reincarnation absolutely clear. The changing of form... the changing of the outer garment by the soul atman is termed as rebirth... reincarnation as the balance of one life gets transferred to the next manifestation!


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