Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Former Jesuit Priest Attacks Seperation Of Church And State

It is a nation that has a multitude of people of different races, religions, ethnicities, political beliefs, physical abilities and sexual orientations who are equally respected no matter how different. The good ol' U.S. of A. claims she does all of these things. But when it comes to the beliefs and practices of Catholics, these ideals and beliefs sometimes take a back seat.

The state of Connecticut this month desired to have lay people control some Catholic parishes' finances through committees resembling school boards through Senate Bill 1098. The bill's public hearing was canceled and then tabled on March 10.
The bill's main supporter is Dr. Paul Lakeland, a former Jesuit priest, who is the leader of the (Dissident Catholic Group) Voice of the Faithful. The group's ultimate goal is weakening the pastoral authority of priests and bishops.
The main argument for controlling the Catholic Church's money from parishioner donations is embezzlement of Connecticut church funds reaching in the millions. However, having the government obtain command of a religious institution's finances is wrong.

Link (here)

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