Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Fairfield Professor Approves Of Changing Catholicism

Amid vocal criticism from Connecticut’s three bishops and numerous Catholics, the co-chairmen of the Connecticut legislature’s judiciary committee decried “misinformation” about legislation that would place parish finances and outreach under the control of elected lay boards. Republican legislators unanimously oppose the bill, and state senate Republican leader John McKinney, an Episcopalian, will testify against it at a committee meeting tomorrow.
“If government can change the Catholic religion, then it can change any religion,”
he said. Testifying in favor of the legislation tomorrow will be Dr. Paul Lakeland, director of the Catholic Studies program at Jesuit-run Fairfield University.

Link (here) to the Catholic Culture article

Blogger Note:
The controversial bill has been killed (here)

1 comment:

  1. Is there not some canonical prohibition about a former priest teaching at a "Catholic" University and writing for "Catholic" publications?


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