Sunday, March 1, 2009

Catholic Lay Woman "Unleashed"

es Femmes - The Truth.

..And now, as Lent begins, we have three more examples of Jesuit lust and perversion exploiting students. Georgetown, Loyola of Chicago, and Seattle University have given the penitential season new meaning.
Instead of the traditional time of repentance, these campuses will fill the weeks of Lent with talks by porn writers and directors,
a "Color of Queer Film Series," and gender-bending activities including interpreting Biblical heroes and heroines as transgendered. Read more...

It's all so relentlessly predictable and evil. But will we hear anything from the local prelates whose dioceses are polluted by these so-called institutions of higher learning?

Link (here) to Mary Ann's full post, X-Rated Catholic Campuses -- Run by Jesuits (No Surprise)

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