Greetings and Peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
This year the season of Lent begins on Wednesday, February 25, 2009, and Catholics are bound by the Law of the Church to fast and abstain from meat during this time. Failure to observe the Law of the Church without an acceptable exception such as a health exception is mortally sinful. I would just like to send the following reminder:
However, those between 18 and 59 years of age (Can. 1252), are also bound to fast on Ash Wednesday. On this day one, normal-sized meal and two smaller meals that do not equal the normal meal are allowed. Eating between meals, however, is prohibited although fruit juices and milk are allowed. These rules are much more lenient than centuries past. If you can, truly make your fasting a sacrifice.
Good Friday: This day is the most somber day in the year when we recall Our Savior's death. The rules for Ash Wednesday apply to today (Can. 1251).
The Fridays of Lent: All the Fridays of Lent excluding Good Friday are mandatory days of abstinence from meat (Can. 1250). The abstinence rules outlined under Ash Wednesday apply to today. However, a person may still choose to voluntary fast today. Fasting is to be encouraged, though not mandatory, each Friday of Lent. Traditional Catholics will abtain and fast on both the Fridays and Saturdays of Lent.
All days of Lent but Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and 1st Class Feasts: Traditional Catholics will still fast and partially abtain from meat on these days. By partial abstinence, a person is allowed to eat meat only at the major meal.
All Fridays of the Year: All Catholics must abstain from meat all Fridays of the year, not just during Lent (Can. 1250 & Can. 1251). However, Catholics can do another form of penance on the Fridays of the year instead of abstaining. Fridays in Lent, though, are mandatory abstinence and another act of penance does not void the necessity to abstain from meat and meat products. Traditional Catholics will always abstain on each Friday of the year, though. Above all, some form of penance is required. Failure to perform penance is sinful.
Pre-Vatican II Fasting: For information on fasting before Vatican II, see Fish Eaters. It is always a good, pious practice to voluntarily fast and abstain on days that used to be required for fasting and abstaining like Holy Saturday, Christmas Eve, and the Vigil of Pentecost. Also, fasting and abstinence were required on Rogation Days and Ember Days.
I would also like to point out the following posts of mine from Everything Lent. I pray that these are helpful for your spiritual growth this Lent:
Ways to improve your Lent
The Origin of Lent
The Purpose of Lent according to Monsignor Massimo Camisasca
What should I give up for Lent?
Fasting/abstinence rules
General historical/biblical information (by another blog)
Holy Week
Lenten Customs
Family Customs
40 Ways to Improve your Lent
The Real Presence Association's Suggestions for Lent
Should holy water be removed during Lent?
Book Recommendations
Fat Tuesday Prayer
Ash Wednesday Prayer
General Lent Prayer
Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Crucified
Stational Churches
Seven Sorrows of St. Joseph
Seven Sorrows of Mary
Prayer for Avoiding sin
Lenten Prayer II
Prayer before a Crucifix
Stations of the Cross
Prayer for the Grace of the Passion
Prayer in the Steps of the Passion
Lenten Prayer of St. Ephraim
Pope Benedict XVI's words:
The 2007 Lenten theme and message
The 2006 Lenten theme and message
Our journey "in the shadows"
Ash Wednesday Audience
Ash Wednesday:
What is Ash Wednesday and what are the rules of this day?
Ash Wednesday Prayer
Holy Week:
Top Ten Suggestions for Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Monday's Mass readings: Year B
Tuesday's Mass readings: Year B
Wednesday's Mass readings: Year B
Spy Wednesday
Holy Thursday
Good Friday:
Good Friday information
Good Friday Prayer
Pope Benedict XVI's Good Friday service (2006)
"The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ"
Cardinal George of Chicago - his Lenten message (2006)
St. Benedict's Words on Lent
St. Leo the Great's Words on Lent
St. Leo the Great's Words on Charity
Advice from the St. Andrew Daily Missal
Isaiah 53:11b-12
Isaiah 53:4-6
Pax Domini sit semper tecum,
Thank you for posting this on your website! I hope this is helpful for your readers.