Monday, February 16, 2009

The Tablet's Shenanigans Against Finigan

This from Damian Thompson at Holy Smoke.

An excerpt.

Fr Tim Finigan, author of the Hermeneutic of Continuity blog, is one of the finest parish priests in the country: a scholar, evangelist and pastor who is as happy spreading the Gospel over a pint in the pub as he is from the pulpit. But now there are rumours that the Tablet is planning a hatchet job on him, for the grave crime of... saying the Latin Mass.

A much-loved pastor: Fr Finigan with his flock

Fr Tim, PP of Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, Kent, says three new rite Masses on a Sunday and one in the Extraordinary Form. In other words, he is inspired by Pope Benedict's vision of the older and newer liturgies existing side by side, enriching each other.

As in most parishes, however, there is a small group of Tabletistas who, in true "liberal" fashion, are not satisfied that most Masses in Blackfen use the Missal of Paul VI; they want to deprive other parishioners of the rights granted to them by Summorum Pontificum. So who do they go running to?

Step forward Ms Elena Curti, deputy editor of the Bitter Pill, whom I last saw ashen-faced with rage while Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos was explaining the fine print of the Motu Proprio. She is a zealot even by the standards of that dreary rag. I think we can look forward to an article in this week's issue stirring up trouble in Blackfen.

Read the full post (here)

Read Fr. Z's take (here)

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