Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sour Grapes

"The Vatican is going to great effort to bring back 400,000 Lefebvrists, and meanwhile we are losing a whole generation of young Catholics who just think the church is out of it," said the Reverend Thomas Reese, a Jesuit scholar and senior fellow at Georgetown University's Woodstock Theological Center in Washington. "I would rather see some openness toward everybody."
Link (here)


  1. Fr. Reese,

    The Catholic Church is very inclusive and has always had a place for those of the faithful who sometimes knowingly and willingly dissent from definitive Catholic doctrine...

    And that place is called the CONFESSIONAL.


  2. I am amazed that you cite the mindless, politically-correct ravings of Celestine of the Bloomberg News in support of this story. She should stick to predictions in the stars column. This is American journalism at its worst. The predictable hand-wringing lament from Georgetown writes sourly about fantasy. True, many young people have no interest in a Jesuit presentation of Catholicism, especially from there, but, ironically, thousands of young people all over the world are, for the moment, attracted to Levebrvism and similar models of traditional Catholicism. Few Jesuits ask why because the reasons would be deemed unacceptable. In the meanwhile, prospective candidates diminish yearly and many who enter the Jesuit novitiate leave in due course. The predominant majority left look forward to an approaching horizen. Some are good Jesuits, others are bad Jesuits, most are indifferent Jesuits and within twenty years there will be few Jesuits.


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