Monday, February 23, 2009

New Archbishop Of New York On Jesuit And The Eucharist

New York Archbishop Timothy M Dolan in a homily at FUS

An excerpt.
You certainly heard the story about the very brave Jesuit, confessor of the faith, Bishop Dominic Tan, who was imprisoned in Communist China for the great crime of loyalty to the bishop of Rome, the pope. Six years in solitary confinement. Six years.
His Communist captors come to him after six years, and they say, "You’ve behaved. We will allow you one wish. What do you want?" Now, I guess he could have asked for freedom. I guess he could have asked for a hot shower. I guess he could have asked for a telephone to call friends and family. I guess he could have asked for a special meal. Bishop Tan said, "I would like to say Mass."
He knew that the best way to be in communion with Jesus, his best friend, was through the Eucharist.

Link (here)

Link (here) to the Cardinal Kung Foundation

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