Friday, February 6, 2009

My Top Ten List

Pat McNamara at McNamara's Blog, a historian whose blog is a reverent treasure trove of lore about Catholic life in nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century America. (Pat, I am not messing with perfection!) Hit me with his list of top Catholic blog's that he admires, you can read his great list (here).

I have over 350 links on my sidebar and 1,800 posts to pick out which are my favorites can be quite a challenge.
  1. Some Have Hats - Karen Hall invented the genre of Ignaciophile blogging, enough said.
  2. The City and the World - Jesuit scholastic Joe Koczera, is so freaking smart, it scary! He writes as clearly as an encyclopedia, Joe bring ideas to the table that just are not found anywhere else.
  3. What Does The Prayer Really Say? - Fr. John T Zuhlsdorf is a blogger extraordinaire, his blog takes ten minutes to load on my laptop because he got a gazillion blog gadgets, my favorite gadget of his is the real time video blog where he sits in front of six or so monitors and field questions on the fly. Fr. Z is known for his expertise on the Traditional Latin Mass but to pigeon hole him as just TLM blogger is not fair, his real "gift" is that of discernment of the Truth of our One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
  4. Faith of a Centurion - Fr. Jessel Gerard, S.J. a Jesuit from the Philippines is a voracious blogger who works and weaves the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and Holy Scripture into his work on a daily basis.
  5. Orthometer -
  6. McNamara's Blog - To Irish is to be Catholic, to Catholic is to be Irish, to be Pat McNamara is to be an Irish Catholic.
  7. St. Robert Bellarmine's Blog- I wish
  8. Le Roy de Brantigny's take on the world is different than most. He is a Francophile, he has a Catholic Monarchist affinity (An idea which is growing on me) I learn more new and interesting Catholic ideas and facts at Le Fleur de Lys too than from any other blog.
  9. Saint Mary Magdalen - Fr Ray Blake is a diocesan priest from Brighton, England. Lets just say that he has extended the parish boundaries a little. He is a movement priest, by that I mean he along with other priests in Great Britain are re-evangelizing Britannia with Sacraments and sound preaching.


  1. Hello Joseph,

    I am deeply humbled and honored to make it onto your Top Ten list. I still have much to learn from you about this blogging thing.


    I like that idea.

    Still praying for your family and the new addition.


  2. I am no king, just a humble servant of the One and a subject of another. Dieu le Roy.

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  4. Great Site. Was added to mybookmarks. Greetings From USA.


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