Thursday, February 19, 2009

Message From Fr. Spitzer To The Gonzaga University

The following is a statement that Gonzaga University President Rev. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., sent to the University's alumni and friends regarding the announcement last night by the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus that it has filed for bankruptcy protection.

Dear Alumni and Friends,

The Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus has announced that it has filed for bankruptcy protection with the United States Bankruptcy Court in Portland, Oregon.

The bankruptcy petition comes as a result of millions of dollars in claims alleged against the Oregon Province by victims of sexual abuse. The hearts of our entire community go out to those victims and their families who have suffered so tragically from these incidents.

The Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus is a completely separate organization from Gonzaga University. Gonzaga was separately incorporated and registered with the Secretary of State in Washington in 1894. Gonzaga University's assets are its own and not subject to others' creditors.

I felt it was important that you receive this communication directly from me. I thank you for your continued support of Gonzaga University and for the faith and trust you have placed in us. Please be assured of my prayers for you as an integral part of our community.


Robert J. Spitzer, S.J.


Link (here)


  1. I am a fan of Fr. Spitzer's EWTN series:


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