Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Jesuit Economist

When Political Correctness Trumps the Bible (at a Catholic College)

Posted by Thomas DiLorenzo

Shortly after the Loyola College administration and economics department (minus myself and the department chairman) slandered and libeled Walter Block for suggesting in a public lecture that marriage might affect male and female earnings differently (discussed extensively by Walter and me on LRC), my colleague Father Francis G. "Hank" Hilton, S.J. told me that "everything is wrong" about the administration/econ department smear. It was wrong intellectually, morally, and Biblicly, he told me. He didn't have time to explain, but L.R. from Arizona wrote me to say this:

"I am always amused when people attack without having actually heard or read what was said" (as was the case with every Loyola College administrator, and all but two of the economists).

Referring the to Old Testament, L.R. writes that "Dr. Block's antagonists would be well advised to follow the warning in Proverbs 18:12: "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."

"It is a shame that there are topics that cannot be discussed without incurring the the wrath of the politically correct tyrants."


Link (here)

Photo of Fr. Hank Hilton, S.J. consecrating the Eucharist. See more pictures of Father (here)

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