Monday, February 16, 2009

Jesuit At Georgetown On Christian / Jewish / Muslim Relatians

Students gathered with campus religious leaders in Riverside Lounge on Feb. 6 to discuss the legacy of Carroll’s vision and Georgetown’s history of promoting the exchange of ideas between people of different faith traditions. Fr. Daniel Madigan, S.J., a theology professor and an expert on Muslim-Christian relations, led the discussion, which also included Wasim Rahman, a Muslim chaplain-in-residence and Rabbi Harold White, the senior Jewish chaplain and a fixture at Georgetown for more than 40 years. “Our commitment to interreligious dialogue begins with St. Ignatius,” said Madigan, an Australian Jesuit who came to Georgetown in 2007 after seven years as the founding director of the Institute for the Study of Religions and Cultures at Rome’s Pontifical Gregorian University. Madigan explored some of the foundations of the Society of Jesus’ work on interreligious relations. Part of that interreligious foundation, he said, stems from St. Ignatius’ belief that every person can have a personal relationship with God.

Link (here) to the full story

Photo is of Fr. Daniel Madigan, S.J.

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