Thursday, March 5, 2009

Green Theology

University goes green in Jesuit transportation

From the Spectator.

The Jesuits added two Priuses to their team of cars last month in an effort to increase sustainable practices in all aspects of the Seattle University Jesuit community. The Arrupe Jesuit community has five hybrids now and 16 cars overall, to serve 22 Jesuits.

Because the cars meet the fuel economy standard of 40 miles per gallon or more, Arrupe was able to utilize a $2,200 rebate from the state for each car.

Arrupe is also trying to encourage the use of public transportation and currently covers the cost of a round-trip train ticket for any Jesuit going to Portland.

Link (here)

A thought?

Think Led Zepplin's "Climbing a stairway to Heaven"
Now think "Driving a Prius to Heaven"

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