Tuesday, February 17, 2009

G. Tracy Mehan, III Writes

As one who attended a Jesuit high school, college and law school, during the long, slow downward trajectory of the 1960s and 1970s, who cringed at the once proud order's flirtation with heterodoxy and secularism... But, as the dreary decades wore on, many prominent members of the Jesuit order seemed to specialize in dissent and even outright opposition to the Church and its magisterium which they had vowed to serve. Moreover, following their issuance of the 1967 Land O' Lakes (WI) Statement, the Jesuits turned over their colleges and universities to lay boards in order to curry favor with Caesar and make peace with the Zeitgeist. With the decline in vocations, the institutional and Christian culture of their schools was diluted even further.

There are many exceptions, individual and institutional. My old high school actually sends a good number of students to the local archdiocesan seminary.

Catholicism is a sacramental religion. Placing the crucifix at the center of its intellectual life, nay, amidst all its labors of both mind and body, is most appropriate since it reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice by the One who, to use a phrase common to the Jesuits, is truly a man for others.
Link (here)


  1. Hello Joseph,

    Any announcements?

    Here is a HT. Jesuits Help George Washington Convert?


  2. It is ashame that the Society of Jesus has given up so much...they are on self destruction no vocations..I would never send a young man to the JESUITS ..he would loose his faith...They should put their cassocks back on and act like priests who really believe in Jesus and celebrate their faith in the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH...

  3. Wow, there is a lot of useful data above!


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