Saturday, February 14, 2009

Diogenes Suspects Alterior Motives Behind The Reinstalled Crucifixes At Boston College

More Catholic than the papist


Absolutely brilliant. Look for another Jesuit colleges to imitate the public-relations ploy that's worked so well for Boston College, and remember that Uncle Di told you it was coming. Putting crucifixes back in classrooms is an easy way to rack up points for "Catholic identity" without offending public sensibilities.

Oh, there are objections from the ideological fever-swamps of academe, but even the Boston Globe can't make them seem reasonable. The BC administration looks reasonable; its critics look intolerant-- and disloyal, too, insofar as they're still cashing BC paychecks. The talk-shows are buzzing, and the callers all favor BC.

Never mind that virtually every major heresy gets a sympathetic hearing from the theology department. Who cares that a weekend of campus would leave Rabelais speechless. What does it matter if professors trot over to the state house to testify in favor of same-sex marriage and assisted suicide? Boston's downtrodden Catholic community is rejoicing that at last, BC took a stand in favor of Catholicism. The alumni are delighted, and if the contributions keep coming in, the school might be able to endow a new chair for the (Satire alert!) Professor of Transgender Wiccan Studies.

Link (here)

Painting is of Diogenes in the beggars water house

Who is Diogenes of Sinope? Find out (here)

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