Sunday, February 1, 2009

17th Century Jesuit Provincial Of Lyon And Aquitaine: Fr. Louis Richeome, S.J.

The Eucharist is a Sacrifice, as was the Oblation of Abel, and both a Sacrifice and Sacrament, as was the Paschal Lamb, and many other ancient mysteries: body of our Savior, as it is offered to God in the Mass, is sacrificed...

From page 50 (here) of the 17th Century Jesuit Provincial at Lyon (1586-1592), Aquitaine, and again in Lyon in 1605, and as French assistant in Rome from 1606 to 1616 Fr. Louis Richeome's (Richome) book entitled, Holy Pictures of the Mysticall Figures of the Most Holy Sacrifice and the Eucharist

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