Saturday, January 31, 2009

Liberation Theology: "Jesuit Priest In Revolution"

Jesuit Priest to give lecture at Southwestern University

Tuesday, February 03 2009, 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Father Fernando Cardenal from Nicaragua will visit the campus to give a lecture titled, "Jesuit Priest in Revolution." After joining the priesthood, Cardenal lived in Medellin, Colombia where he was inspired to serve the poor. Returning to Nicaragua in 1970, Cardenal was recruited by the Sandinista Front for National Liberation and became a minister of education. Under his leadership, the country's literacy rate rose from 49 to 87 percent.

Cardenal is now the director of the organization Fe y Alegria (Faith and Happiness.) His lecture will be delivered in Spanish with English translations to follow

Location: Howry Center, Southwestern University, Georgetown, TX

Link (here)

What is Liberation Theology ?

Wiki (here)

Preliminary Notes on Liberation Theology by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger

Rethinking option for poor (excellent article)

Marxism and the Nicaraguan revolution

Forgetting the evils of communism

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