Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lack of Harmony

The Vatican report, signed by Zenon Cardinal Grocholewski, Prefect Congregation for Catholic Education, is the result of a Vatican-led investigation of American seminaries following the explosion of the clergy sex-abuse scandals in 2001.
Although written in carefully diplomatic language typical of high level Vatican offices, the report uses unusually blunt terms, especially in its criticisms of seminaries run by religious orders, such as the (not mentioned by name in the report) Jesuits or Dominicans.
What the report calls a “lack of harmony” in the formation of priests “is almost always” due to educators “being less than faithful to the Magisterium of the Church.”

Link (here) to the Lifesite article

Read the full 20 page letter/report (here)

Read comments by Fr. James Martin, S.J. on the Vatican report (here)

Read a long and thoughtful essay on the subject by Dr. Jeff Mirus (here)

Photo is of Cardinal Zenon

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