Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Holy Hour Prayer With Our Lord In The Garden


(To be said at the beginning of the Holy Hour.)

Accompany in spirit Jesus Christ to the Garden of Olives, and imagining that by a special favour He chooses you as He did His three most beloved disciples, to bear witness to the pains of His sorrowful Heart, and to unite you to the fervent prayers he is about to pour forth, make an act of faith in the presence of God, and say as follows:

O Eternal God! infinitely holy and just, I prostrate myself together with Thy Divine Son, in the presence of Thy Supreme Majesty, and in profound abasement I adore Thee, and acknowledge my nothingness before Thy infinite Greatness.

I offer Thee the agony and sorrows of the Heart of Jesus in satisfaction to Thy justice, and in sorrow for my sins, and the sins of the whole world; for the wants of the Holy Church both spiritual and temporal; to implore Thy mercy and pity upon all who are in their agony; to obtain for all Religious the first fervor of their institute; to repair the outrages which Jesus Christ receives in the Sacrament of His love ; to succor the souls in Purgatory; in prayer for the conversion of many sinners, and lastly to obtain Thy mercy on myself in my last agony.
O Father of infinite goodness, hearken to these my desires, and give Thy blessing to this prayer which I am about to make in union with Thy Divine Son my most loving Redeemer, and for the sake of His most amiable Heart; and by His merits I beseech Thee make me feel a lively sorrow for my sins, which caused such grief to Jesus my dear Savior in the Garden of Olives.

Link (here) to the prayer book entitled, Holy Hour or the Intimate Union of the Soul with Jesus in His Agony in the Garden, translated from the Italian, written by a member of the Society of Jesus. Preface by Fr. A. Weld, S.J.

The Gospel of Mathew Chapter 26 (here)

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