Sunday, January 11, 2009

From The "You Have Got To Kidding Me!" File

Aims to explore "spiritual transformation" needed to replace "deadly" economic systems

Xavier University in Cincinnati will provide a venue for the EarthSpirit Rising 2009 conference next June. An aim of the conference is to explore the cultural and spiritual transformation needed” to replace current “outdated” and “deadly” economic systems.

David Korten, the principal “planetary” speaker, is a “visionary proponent of a planetary system of local living economies.” Korten’s website is replete with ecological alarmist and anti-establishment rhetoric. On the site Korten says that the key to putting us on the right course is to “displace the prevailing” prosperity and security with “Earth Community” prosperity and security. Sister Miriam Therese MacGillis, another “planetary” speaker, espouses and teaches a kind of New Age spirituality which seems to deny the Catholic Dogma of the Trinity. She said in an interview, “The divine Father-God and the Mother-God and the animal spirits are all images of the divine - none of them exhausts the possibility of the divine.” Source: .

Link (here) to the Cardinal Newman Society article

Photo is of Sister Miriam

P.S. I am not a Focalizer

1 comment:

  1. FYI: the site calls their Keynote speakers, "Plenary" not "Planetary" speakers. "Plenary" is very similar to "Keynote" but not quite a synonym.


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