Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fr. John Baptist Reus, S.J. "I Was In The Sacred Heart Of Jesus"

I translated this post via Google translator, it comes from a Latin Mass oriented blog from Portugal called, Missa Tridentina Em Portugal. Some of the sentence structure is a little hurky jurky but I will have more links at the bottom of the post. You will be reading excerpts from Father Reus' diary and his encounters with Christ within the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The supernatural visions revealed to (bio) Father John Baptiste Reus, S.J. of what happens in each Holy Mass.

1. The priest provincial approving the phenomena mystics.

March 11, 1933. Shortly before Communion, in thanksgiving, I was all in flames, from head to toe. Not only saw the flames in the heart, but also out of the chest. This morning, just to get up, offered my heart on fire to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a heart Bridal.

Reference to the Song of Songs of Sacred Scripture. From that day, begins to illustrate the text of the reports of the mystical phenomena with drawings, made the nozzle penalty. When all are 1184. Are considered a rarity in mystical works.

2. The Fire of the Cross.

April 1, 1936. The fire of the cross, yesterday, still burned today, during the visit from 9am, and continues burning. In the afternoon, by 2am, as usual, prayed the breviary in the chapel. Because of the burning, discovered the chest at heart and thus finished praying the breviary. At 6am, visit (Wednesday, the week of the Passion). The cross-fire, we still see in me, has expanded into four parts of the heart, putting all my profile in a wide cross-fire. So I was, for a short time, standing in front of the Blessed of hands.

April 9, 1936. Maundy Thursday. At 11am I visit the Blessed Sacrament. Suddenly, broke out of the burning love. I had to get up and extend your arms. Surely, I saw a powerful flame expand from the interior and, instead of simple cross, involved me completely. After the flame is changed and the cross-fire went out flames of fire for the high undulating. Torci me from side to side to get rid of them. In vain.

At 1h45min, I was home in the chapel. I saw a small cross of fire in me, but did not notice any burning in front of the large cross. Let me add that, to demonstrate that such things do not depend on me. Also yesterday, during the visit, I thought the burning already felt, could again lead to large cross-fire. In spite of my recollection, she remained silent.

3. Sacred Heart of Jesus, the sunshine of my life.

July 20, 1936. When, during the Friday prayer, came to the word "sun", I saw my heart in the middle of a sun. Resist. In vain. I pray the breviary since 1892. We never imagined something similar. I can not remove it. I need to write it. Which is in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the sunshine of my life.

July 21, 1936. Yesterday afternoon I was lying down, ill. I saw, suddenly, like the sun, it was in my heart, I rose and completely surrounded. I said to myself: careful not to give value to that. But it was easier to say than to do it. I was surrounded by the sun, sometimes more clearly, others less. Also this morning, realized he could not avoid this.

During the Mass, the same thing happened. But in a special way when I put the vestment to distribute Communion to the seminarians. That I had to draw. I am really a slave of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I do what he wants.

4. I was in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

July 22, 1936. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Yesterday afternoon, while the breviary prayed in the chapel, I saw, instead of the sun, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who surrounded me. Already many years ago that was included in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. But now add a difference.

I was in the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a sea of flames, and that, in the Holy Mass and beyond. Perhaps the reason is that my behavior in the Communion. As I see flames burning in my heart, I say the kind Salvador: You Come to that of burning flames. Or it: You see how I love you. Because you're in the middle of that same ardor. Yesterday I received the solution to the problem of large Sr. Antônia.

The Sr. X (Sister Maria Antonia) made a statement, thus justifying my procedure. My confidence in the goodness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus became even greater. For months, continued to struggle on the veracity of the revelations of Sister Antônia. Did not want to admit them as possible. The outcome confirms that the issue is not only possible but is the reality, just as saying the revelations.

January 23, 1937. When I was in the sacristy to the altar, I was as a single flame of fire. Also, I had no peace, until we had done the writing and drawing. Everything is for the greater glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, source of thanks. He is the second to me his will, not because I deserved to have in some way. Unfortunately. But if glorificá used to it, all right.

5. Host Santa in the face of Salvador.

March, 1937. Communion. Expanse - prayer with hands outstretched to the high for a long time. After the consecration of Holy Host, I saw the same kind of the holy face Salvador. Also, just recently, I saw, suddenly, in the holy host, his holy face. But gave no importance, although I draw much attention. Today, however, it excluded any doubt. I had to do the drawing. No use resisting. But the design is somewhat inaccurate in that the face occupied an area a little larger. But in general, is accurate. Also in the Communion, I saw the face saint.

6. Mediatrix of All Thanks.

June 5, 1937. The fire burning as communion touched my heart. The view that yesterday, I had caused doubts, is now almost continuously visible: my heart attached to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with flames irrompendo to the top.

So, yesterday was also true. When today, wearing canonicals in the sacristy, to help distribute Communion in the Mass of the students, asked the amiable Salvador, as usual to do so, that he get dressed in their purity, so that I would be less unworthy to distribute the saints mysteries. Just had to wear alb and shut the cord in front, pulling the canonicals to fix them a bit more, when, suddenly, the Mother of God was gracious in front of me, helping me with their own hands.

It came as does, for example, a mother to her son, who dressed and who, standing before him, she Fix either detail. It was a matter of time. She has, therefore, as the Mediatrix of thanks. In that moment I was not thinking about it, and no food such claims.

July 21, 1937. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Same as on July 17, until almost melted like. At the time of the Communion, has expressed its strong burning, but internally, but not visible. By giving the final blessing, I saw, suddenly, flames of fire out of my hand to bless. I had to do the drawing. The Sacred Heart of Jesus calling me, so I can not resist.

July 22, 1937. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Same as on July 17, to become like melted wax. At communion, he is burning strong. In the last blessing, reminded me of flames that I saw yesterday. Today, I did not see anything. But after Mass, I saw out of my heart a long called for opening up the side as a tongue of fire, finally, I saw my heart on fire, and about him, a cross-fire. What would it?

Certainly the regulation 11 Insignibus et Domini vestibus indu. Victina tuis love! - Dressed the insignia and robes of the Lord. Victim of your love! In the afternoon, the visit to the Blessed, I saw my heart in the midst of a great flame. The Sacred Heart or so and asks me to do the drawing. Desire not to delude myself. But what will I do?

May 21, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. As in the previous day, was on fire. Depart from me to the altar, I was on fire. During the Action of Thanks, I saw flames sprout again from the bottom of my heart. And another has become a sea of fire.

I saw the fire in my interior of intense love, like a huge burning sun, the same way, as he presents himself in reality, in constant waves, glow and sparkle, in the middle of this ball of fire, my whole heart full of passion. I write and design what and how the Divine Savior either.

May 24, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. I heard the words of consecration. During a confession in my room, I saw the light hand of the Divine Savior in my hand, which built and gave me the blessing. I heard the words of Allah, that He gave me and in me. Soon after, came two other penitents, which was repeated the same thing, with some more details. In the third, this was manifested in more expressive.

Hear the prayer of the whole Misereatur until the end, pronounced by the Divine Savior in me and me. Also saw its holy light hand in my hand, giving a blessing. I saw how in my hand, mainly from the wound of the hand, went out on the flames of fire and penitent, as Ego te absolve prayer - I absolve you, a flame of fire came out of my mouth on the coirmão penitente60.

I had that I strive to master my own passion, which erupted when the inside of my coirmão moved away. I was sure that, after the visions of recent days, would not any more, at least not now. Suddenly, overtook new manifestation of burning. What can I do? I do the drawing. He wants him.

60 Several penitents Reus Father realized that the voice changed, when was the acquittal. The question was this phenomenon mystic and excitement of confessor, which is thought unworthy of such great thanks.

May 25, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. The same day of 2.5. As in the previous day, was on fire. Has twice the Divine Savior was close to my greetings of love, that He, as husband of my soul, was first. He also will not let me rest, while I have not recorded the statements of your love.

May 26, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, on 2.5. Was on fire as the day before. During the night, the Divine Savior was again next to my bed. In Communion, I extended the arms, in silence for a long time. More than 24 hours to resist the drawing representing the divine Salvador stopped next to my bed.

As opposed arguments, my powerlessness, my uselessness, my surprise. All in vain. Always and always new and more gentle, but irresistible, forcing the surrender wicker. I do it because it can no longer doubt the truth.

He is who I ordered. Why? Do not understand. Only one time or another seemed to me that told me: "Do you, then, ignoring my grace? These days, overtook me again the burning, during the blessing of the Blessed. Began in the early exposure of the Blessed and ended at the end of it. Also in the parish church, I saw, for the acquittal as a flame of fire came out of my mouth on the penitent.

May 28, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. While listening to confessions in the parish church, saw a flame over the acquittal of me going out and going on the penitent. One, the word Patris - Dad, a second, the word subsidiaries - and a third son, Sancti Spiritus in the word - the Holy Spirit. This shows clearly that in the Sacrament of Penance, the Holy Trinity takes an active part. This drawing I did, because I should. Today was, again, a headache.

May 30, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, on 2.5. After the Our Father, I leave the holy Host ofuscantes rays, so that my whole face seemed illuminated. I closed my eyes followed times, to assure me that it was illusion, perhaps because I could not bear the dazzling light. As committed, because of this, a small error liturgical, against the lines, to focus all my attention to no longer observe the rays. The design I had to do, as your holy will.

May 31, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. When, at the time of the offertory, I made the sign of the cross on the offers, I get out of my hand on the cup rays. The same saw, again, just before the Consecration. I listened with all the clarity of the words, that the Divine Savior said, for me and me together. I saw his hand light in my hand and felt his arm to lift the cup.

In the acquittal, during the confession, I saw a flame of fire coming out of my hand and going to the penitent, to say the words "in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit." Should I write this. My Jesus, have mercy on me. I do not know how it ends. When I fell on the floor in my room due to the burning of love, I felt again, and so painful, especially the wound of the heart.

June 1, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, on 2.5. When, at the end of the distribution of Communion, before Mass, gave the blessing, I saw flames come out of my hand. As in the previous day, was on fire. In thanksgiving, I saw fire burning in several ways. A major part was in flames around a heart of fire. I design it, because I must. During the celebration of a baptism, I saw fire coming out of my hand, to impose it on the head of the child. The kind Salvador wants me to do the drawing, although I had a bit of resistance.

June 2, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. During the distribution of Communion, before Mass, when I had the holy Host in hand, I saw, suddenly, the sun was forming around the holy host. Increased rapidly, until reaching the cibório. In the offertory of bread, get up flames of both hands, holding that the paten. By making the sign of the cross, after the Consecration, I also go out of my hands flames toward the cup. I never would have thought such a thing.

After all, the source of blessing is Jesus, personally present. But on reflection, I can not deny the flames can not the silence, I had to accept the authenticity. The blessing, apart from any other meaning, worth, in this case, not only because it belongs to the sacramental body, but also by virtue of the mystical body of Christ, and for those who believe, has its significance virtutem crucis - under the cross, as S. Tomás. This vision, which left me suspicious, rightly serves as proof that fantasy is not my source of all this.

I saw, in addition, the light hand of the Divine Savior, not only in the consecration, but also when, after Communion, purifying the chalice. When I confessed, I saw how the hand of the confessor flame went out on me. In the afternoon, I had to throw because of a headache. After more or less 25 minutes of patient delivery, I felt, suddenly, so strong passion of love that had to open the cassock at the heart.

Then doía me the wound of the heart so that I shouted a long-Oh! A second time, overtook the sudden pain and I shouted again and press the place where I felt the wound. For the first time I breaks out in such a cry of pain.

June 3, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, on 2.5. In Communion, expantis - prayer with open arms, but for short time. Glory and pray to the God, I saw out of my mouth each word as flames of fire, that rise to the heights before the face of God. I did the design, because the wanted the Divine Savior.

To hear confessions in the parish church, I saw several times, to make the sign of the cross during the sacramental absolution, went as an intense flame of fire of my hand, blessing the penitent. I wanted to omit it. But there is no peace, until it is written and designed. He wants the same.

7. Volcano of Flames

June 4, 1938. Vigil of Pentecost. Sweet Heart of Jesus. Idem, as on 2.5. Amidst the fire, and with hearts on fire, I ran to the altar. Any attempt to resistance led to the opposite effect, ie, the burning is even more inflamed. As usual, to distribute Communion Mass before. Then I saw a host leave the holy flame burning, and I distributed it on fire to Host received the Communion.

I tried, I give up this vision. In vain. In raising the Holy Blood, saw flames forth the cup. During the reading of both the Gospels, I saw, in a significant part of words, they leave as flames from my mouth and rises to the top. In thanksgiving, my entire interior was, again, an ardent and active volcano of flames of love and waves of love, that spring from the deepest depths of my heart and come continuously.

2264 - June 6, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. The same day of 2.5. As in the previous day, was on fire. In thanksgiving, I saw my heart as a flaming volcano, so that the Divine Savior offered my love seemed to me, not as small flames, but huge waves of flames, clouds of love that went out of my heart and a rose after another. It was like a volcanic eruption, which for me is something impossible to imagine.

I would never have reached this idea and would never have dared to submit to God and Lord, when most sacred, something like this. Others also received thanks. During a baptism, I listened as the Divine Savior delivered the prayer, for me and me.

The burning of love persisted until I save the tabernacle in the Blessed.

2278 - In the prayer before Communion, I saw my desire out of my mouth and become the holy host, as I remember, in the form of flames of love. After Communion, expansis - prayer with open arms, violent passion of love, and I got the body in motion. By taking the Holy Blood, I saw all my body turning on fire. Through the action of, burning, fire, very intense flames from the bottom of my heart.

So I went to the parish church to hear confessions. While listening to a particular sin, came to me more or less the word: We are a miserable race. I felt deep sympathy. As the Divine Savior is offended! Suddenly, the tears fell from my eyes, tears of heartfelt love, compassion of intimate and sincere sorrow. So I had to stop momentarily the confessions to wipe the tears. In the morning meditation, I saw again, my acts of love as rising suns fire. The same in thanksgiving, but for a short time.

Salvador. He will do everything correctly. In thanksgiving, burning, volcanic love, but for short tempo.2284 - June 25, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. The same day of 2.5. When, at the beginning of Mass, distributes the Communion, I saw the small rise Host that I held in my hand, another flame in the midst of a higher flame, which came from the cibório. I looked good, because then I would doubt.

However, no doubt, the flame burned. Was on fire as the day before. In prayers, the words were like fire and fire suns. Resist, not to be distracted. Not said anything. The flames were present. It was repeated by others. In thanksgiving, a volcano of love, passion, fire suns.

June 27, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. The same day 2.5. In the morning, when I went to chapel, I saw flames on the altar. One draws strength and went ahead with the stone of the altar. I looked carefully. As in the previous day, was on fire. During the Holy Mass, there was a repetition of events, the suns fire that, in the words of some prayers, planned for the top.

In Action of Thanks, all on fire, volcano of love. Surely, there are again the suns fire, that spring of my heart, with flames of fire. Once, I saw it as a sign of the presence of Jesus in me, the holy Host in my heart surrounded by flames. I write this and do the design. Jesus, you have to pity me. I would be completely unable to invent variety of events.

July 2, 1938. Sweet Heart of Jesus. The same day 2.5. As in the previous day, was on fire. During the Holy Mass, I saw the words in different parts, for example, in prayer at the foot of the altar, as suns of fire that went out of my mouth. In thanksgiving, volcano of love. Again, I saw fire suns, and larger than the area of my heart. Are acts of love.

I also saw the prayer of the breviary, in the form of suns fire, get out of my mouth. In opposition to blasphemy, for which the Divine Majesty of God and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are deeply offended and entristecidos, consoling the Divine Savior the divine words of the breviary, glorify the infinite greatness and majesty of God. Then, I saw, too, other prayers go up in the same way in my mouth to God. I think this is less than what I saw. I trust in the infinite goodness of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, that I do not become victim of an illusion.

SOURCE: LAST and ultimate THANKS

Link (here)

Padre Rues website (here)

Sacred Heart of Jesus (here) , (here) and (here)

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