Friday, January 9, 2009

Czech Jesuits And The Manger

The Nativity Scene is a tradition going back centuries. Documented history gives credit to St. Francis of Assisi for introducing the nativity scenes to Europe in 1220 after his return from Egypt. Some accounts state he used a straw filled manger set between a real ox and donkey and statues or costumed people instead of the figurines.
In 1562, Jesuits in Prague put a manger that is considered the first of the modern type of nacimientos.
Spanish conquistadors established the tradition in the Americas, where the indigenous people added their own touches.
Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, first time commenting. I love reading about other ways of setting up nacimientos. Yours was the first post I've seen the Spanish word ever used. Though, I'm Hispanic I have an affinity for all things Czech, so I had to read your post. ;-)


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