Friday, December 12, 2008

Brother Andre Marie On The Chicago Jesuit

Father Arnold Damen, Chicago’s Jesuit Apostle

December 10, 2008 |

Enjoying a varied reputation as pioneering parish priest, educational trail-blazer, inspiring mission preacher, formidable religious controversialist, and, oh yes, a ghost that haunts historical buildings on Chicago’s Near West Side, Father Arnold Damen, S.J., is an important figure in American Catholic history. The Society of Jesus, to which the Dutch-born priest belonged, can boast an almost four-hundred-year history on our continent, a history consistent with the Jesuits’ Marine-like reputation as the first ones at the scene of a battle. They were builders, founders, religious frontiersmen - or, if you will, special forces sent in to take out the demonic first line of resistance in enemy territory.

Link (here) to the full and compelling post

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