Monday, November 10, 2008

That Jesuit Pie!

This is from the blog-o-sphere, it is an excerpt of a much larger piece.

I cannot speak for other religions, I teach Theology to Adults at a Jesuit community in Hollywood (Blessed Sacrament Parish) . Do you really believe we just do what some Pope or Bishop says? NO! They do not even expect or want that!
Do you know how Jesuits come to decisions? We are told to cut a pie in to 4 slices, in ¼ put Personal experience with the issue, in the 2nd Quarter to put Philosophy/Ethics in the 3rd Knowledge/science/data, ect. And in the 4th, the teachings of the Catholic Church. Then we are to pray over all 4 pieces, giving each one due respect and openness.
Our decision is the result of many hours of research and meditation into all the quarters and to follow what is revealed to us through prayer. Never are we told to Follow any human’s advice, what would Christ do inevitable falls in there somewhere, in my own personal search on prop 8, I could see Pro’s and Con’s on both sides.

Link (here) to the full post entitled, The Triple M's Manifesto on Prop 8 at the blog called Confessions of a Guilty Bystander authored by Malibu Mike Murphy .

More on St. Ignatius', Rules for Thinking with the Church (here)

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