Monday, November 10, 2008

New Scholastics 2008 New Orleans Province

Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, Paul Frederick, Stephen Pitts, Frs. John Armstrong & Mark Lewis
Sylvester Tan, Marcus Fryer, John Hough, Fr. Billy Huete
Link (here)
Read the Southern Jesuit Fall 08 Edition (here)


Jesuit John said...

These men are not new novices. They were new novices in 2006 and, after finishing the standard 2 year novitiate, they have taken vows and are no longer novices but scholastics.

Let's keep these men in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Let's keep an eye on them and see how many get ordained...

When and where were the last ordinations in the US for the Jebbies?

Jesuit John said...

Numbers for ordinations jump around a lot from province to province and year to year and so do the dates so I can't answer that question... I can only speak for my province which ordained two men this past summer.

My province (New Orleans) has lost only 3 men who took vows in the last 10 years. We currently have 162 priests, 45 scholastics and novices, and 16 brothers. Since Jesuit formation is so long, most guys are in formation for approximately 20-25% of the time they will serve as a priest. So we are running at replacement rate, more or less, right now.

Some other provinces aren't doing as well. Some provinces in some parts of the world have more vocations than they can handle.

Pray for us all, especially those of us in formation.