Monday, November 17, 2008

Jesuits Leave Parish In North Camden, New Jersey

The Jesuits have informed the diocese that Father William Kelley, S.J., current pastor of Holy Name, will take a new assignment as Provincial Assistant for Pastoral Ministries with their California Province beginning in January 2009. Father Thomas Gavin, S.J., will continue his involvement with the parish as associate pastor, but will reside in Philadelphia to live with the Jesuit community there. Meanwhile in April, Bishop Galante announced his intention to merge Holy Name parish in North Camden with Our Lady of Mount Carmel/Fatima and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Under the intended parish reconfiguration, the Oblates of St. Francis deSales will have responsibility for the care of the new parish once it is formally established. When Bishop Galante announced the intended merger last April, he said it could take 12-24 months before new parishes would be formally established.

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