Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jesuit On "Zi-Ka-Wei" Shanghai, China

Prior to the year 1864, the residence of the Jesuits at Zi-ka-wei was the center of their missionary activity in and about Shanghai. They had established there a college for the higher education of Chinese youths. Mr. Lawrence Oliphant visited this school in 1857 and tells of his impressions in the following glowing terms :
"I was struck with the intelligent expression of the youths' countenances and the apparent affection they had for their teachers. Instead of cramming nothing but texts down their throats, they teach them the Chinese classics, Confucius, etc., so as to enable them to compete in the examinations. The result is, that even if they do not become Christians, they have always gratitude enough to protect those to whom they owed their education and perhaps consequent rise in life."
"At Zi-ka-wei," adds Dr. Edkins in 1858, "many of the pupils are taught the art of molding images in clay, sculpture, etc. It caused us some painful reflections to see them forming images of Joseph and Mary and other Scripture personages, in the same way that idol-makers in the neighboring towns were molding Buddhas and Gods of War and Riches, destined, too, to be honored in much the same manner. With such exceptions as this we could not help admiring the arrangements of the school, which appeared to be large and efficient."

Read The Zi-ka-wei Orphanage By Fr. Dennis John Kavanagh, S. J. this excerpt is from page 10.

Photo is of the students of "Zi-Ka-Wei" dressed as Crusaders. For more great info go (here)

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