Friday, November 14, 2008

Communist Leader To Speak At Fordham

Background Information on President Evo Morales
(here) , (here) , (here) , (here)

  • In Bolivia, President Evo Morales’ own police chief is an ex-Jesuit and a staunch liberation theologian, Rafael Puente Calvo, considered one of the president’s ideological hardliners. (here)
  • Mauricio Bacardit is a Jesuit priest who has been Mr Morales' mentor for 20 years, watching over him as he rose to become leader of the coca growers' union. When I ask him whether he gives MrMorales spiritual advice he almost chokes on his whisky. "No, not spiritual advice. Power. Evo is a leader, leadership runs through him. He has responded to what the masses wanted." (here)
  • Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday said some members of the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy are behaving as if they were in "the times of the Inquisition" as he defended his government's plan to remove Catholicism as the sole religion taught in schools. Morales comments came a day after Education Minister Felix Patzi referred to Catholic "monsignors" as "liars" and said they have been serving the oligarchy for the 514 years since Spain colonized the country. "I want to ask the [church] hierarchies that they understand freedom of religion and beliefs in our country," Morales told reporters. "It's not possible to impose their views." He said he was "worried by the behavior of some Catholic Church leaders who are acting like in times of the Inquisition." Link (here)
More on the evils of Communism (here)

Bolivian President Morales to Speak at Fordham on Nov. 17

Contact: Syd Steinhardt
(212) 636-6534

President Evo Morales of Bolivia will address members of the Fordham community on "The Realities Of Democracy" on Monday, Nov. 17 at 4 p.m. at McNally Amphitheatre.

In his address, President Morales will express his thanks to the civil society and nations that supported his government during the recent violence in Santa Cruz; discuss the negotiations that led to the agreement his government reached with the opposition on proposed constitutional changes; and explain how those changes, which are subject to the results of a Jan. 25 referendum, will work within the framework of Bolivian democracy.

His Excellency Juan Evo Morales Ayma
President, Republic of Bolivia

"The Realities Of Democracy"

Monday, Nov. 17
4 p.m. EST

Fordham University
McNally Amphitheater
140 W. 62nd St. at Columbus Avenue
New York

Link (here)


  1. I'd love to hear this - perhaps someone can post Morales speech on youtube?

  2. Why did Fordham give this enemy of America a platform? The news today showed a priest in front of a Fordham banner applauding Morales, along with a standing ovation of many persons, apparently including Fordham students. It brought to mind Columbia and Bollinger fawning over Ahmadinejad.


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