Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What Will Fordham Do?

Fordham University, a Catholic educational institution is coming under fire for a decision to bestow an award on pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.
Opposition is so profound that more than 1,100 Fordham University alumni and students have signed a petition opposing the plan.
William Michael Treanor, dean of Fordham Law, said in a statement on the college web site announcing the award that “Justice Breyer has devoted his life to the public good." "As a jurist, his opinions have been marked by thoughtfulness, balance, rigor, and a commitment to justice and liberty," he said. Justice Breyer wrote the majority opinion in the 2000 case striking down state laws banning partial-birth abortions.
Nevertheless, Fordham is still scheduled to present its Fordham-Stein Ethics Prize to Justice Breyer at a dinner in New York City on October 29.
The petition includes an open letter to Father Joseph McShane, S.J., president of Fordham University.

Link (here) to the full article

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