Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Some Jesuit Institions Earn An Unusual Ranking

Nine Catholic colleges and universities were listed in a study of 139 schools in the 2008 Trojan S.xual Health Report Card. The institutions were judged on whether HIV and STD testings are available on campus, whether contraceptives and condoms are free on campus, and whether or not they provide various “s.xual health” services on campus. DePaul University, which is America’s largest Catholic university, came in last. St. John’s University (NY), Providence College, University of Notre Dame, and Marquette University also finished in the bottom ten spots on the report card. Villanova University, Boston College, Seton Hall University and Georgetown University received higher rankings.
Sources: Trojan Condoms and BC Heights

Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. The Georgetown Hoya has an article on sex toys:

    Maybe it's their way of reducing veneral disease!


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