Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saints Go Marching !!!

Book of All Saints: More Jesuits weigh in.


If you have been following Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ as he makes the rounds in explaining and illuminating on Adrienne von Speyr's The Book of All Saints (supposedly only one 26th -!- of her writings on this sort of mystical matters) you will doubtlessly be fascinated by the book and its contents and history.

Another heavyweight Jesuit, Fr. Jacques Servais, SJ has weighed in. Father is the director of Casa Balthasar in Rome, and another expert of the theology of von Balthasar (himself a Jesuit who became von Speyr's confessor/director for 40-odd years) and who credited von Speyr with "half" of his output. Fr. Fessio is likewise an expert on von Balthasar, as is, interestingly enough, Benedict XVI.

Read the full post (here) at Some Wear Clerics, thank you Joe Garcia.

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