Friday, October 17, 2008

The Results Of Liberation Theology: Another Former Jesuit

I found this blog post at Terrans United.

Father Berrigan

Yesterday I met a well known Jesuit, Father Daniel Berrigan, who was speaking at my Godfather's (Julio Burunat, Ph.D.) memorial lecture at Fordham. In case you don't recognize the name, Father Berrigan is a well known proponent of Liberation Theology. He's most recognized for his antiwar protests and is currently the poet in residence at Fordham. He's quite elderly now, but it was still an interesting look at a theological area that I know nothing about. The man had a profound influence on my godfather's life, particularly during his time as a Jesuit.
My godfather held very revolutionary positions, the depth of which I don't really know, but which eventually led him to leave the order
despite his intense spirituality.

This is the lecture.

Lecture: The Prose and Poetry of Life Today

Speaker: Daniel Berrigan, S.J., poet-in-residence at Fordham University and author of The Kings and Their Gods: The Pathology of Power (Eerdmans, 2008) delivers the Third Annual Julio Burunat, Ph.D., Memorial Lecture. Sponsored by the Department of Theology. Advanced registration is required.
4:30 p.m. | 12th-Floor Lounge, Lowenstein Center, Lincoln Center campus
Contact: Department of Theology (718) 817-3240

Link (here)

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