Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Beggars Fraternity

Beggars Fraternity was founded in 1923 after it received permission from the Pope to become the first social fraternity to be established on a Jesuit campus. The fraternity’s name pays tribute to the founder of the Society of Jesus, St. Ignatius Loyola. As Ignatius left the shrine of the Madonna and Child at Montserrat, he gave his expensive clothes to a beggar, put on the beggar’s rags, and became a pilgrim for Jesus. He begged his journey to the Holy Land, as a way of self denial and sacrifice.

An important part of the mission of the Beggars Fraternity is to promote and assist Loyola University. The Beggars are recognized for the founding of numerous organizations, including the Student Government Association, The Maroon student newspaper, and The Wolf annual yearbook. The Beggars have also presented Loyola with the flagpole in front of Biever Hall, the tile mosaic of the Madonna and Child on the Monroe Library, a stained glass window in Marquette Hall, the Fr. Goodspeed-Beggars Professorship in Communications, and is currently raising funds to endow the Peter J. Cangelosi – Beggars Professorship in History.

Link (here)

Beggars in the news (here)

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