Friday, October 10, 2008

18th Century Violin Maker Is An Ignaciofile

Midori you are a world class violinist and get to play fabulous instruments. Who made your 1734 "soul mate"?

"The maker of my violin is Bartolomeo Giuseppi Guarneri, know as Guarnerius del Gesu for his Jesuit affiliation, and to distinguish him from other violin makers in the Guarneri family. I have two Peccatta bows (one by Domique, one by Francois). Instruments have varying and unique personalities, just as the musicians do, and how we interact with one another canot be predicted. Upon finding my current violin, I knew instinctively and instantly that it was "the one". Playing the Huberman felt natural in my hands. It has certainly proved to be the right musical partner for me over the years. The same holds true with the bows.

Link (here) to the full interview

Photo credit (here)

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