Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jesuit Taken Out Of Context

Jesuit scholar John Connery wrote of the history of abortion: "If anyone expects to find an explicit condemnation of abortion in the New Testament he will be disappointed. The silence of the New Testament regarding abortion surpasses even that of the Old Testament."

Link to what the leftist really thinks about Catholicism, trust me this a shocker. (here)


  1. Wow! The link just goes to show how pro-aborts build their case upon lies and ignorance.
    She skews here article to make it sound like the Church allowed abortion until a supposed "ensoulment."
    The in a comment fails to see the connection of abortion and slavery.

    But, the comparison is clear as day. Slavery: "My property my choice!" The law said so! It's a constitutional right.

  2. Well put Viator! That lady gave me the creeps.


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