Thursday, September 25, 2008

Catholicism Can Be A Hard Master

Jesuits, avowedly and by direction, are deeply involved in the world’s affairs — and the greatest of them are mavericks. To someone of Fr. Cyril Barrett’s
catholic interests, impatience of convention and detestation of intellectual narrowness, Catholicism can be a hard master. Like many Jesuits down the centuries,
Barrett made no attempt to disguise his chafing at the Vatican’s hierarchical politics and social conservatism — going so far as to declare on the day of the attempted assassination of the Pope, in a bellow that filled a London restaurant, that “the only thing wrong with that bloody Turk was that he couldn’t shoot straight”.
The religious affairs correspondent of The Sunday Times, seated at a nearby table, turned beetroot.
Link to the full article (here)
More on Fr Cyril Barrett, S.J. (here)

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