Saturday, September 20, 2008

Brother Juniper On One Of His Favorite Jesuits

Pamphleteering for God

We live in an age when the medium is often the message. Our world is used to the sound bite and the three minute song. Most of us don’t have time to listen to a complete Beethoven or Mozart symphony. Indeed, our lives are extremely busy. But what about the spiritual life and mission work? How are we supposed to reach people in our day and age when time seems to be at such a premium?

A couple of days ago, I was thinking about this same topic. As some of my readers know, I attend a small Jesuit college in the town where I live. It’s neither an extremely conservative school nor is it very liberal. In my very humble opinion, I would say that it is middle of the road. Therefore, I believe, some evangelization is necessary............The student center on campus used to be attended to by a Jesuit brother named Adam Weisgerber. Among the many things that he used to do on campus, he worked in the Student Life office of the university. In his spare time, he used to compile these leaflets and pamphlets. I think he may have collated some of them himself, cut them, and pasted them. Brother Adam passed away several years ago and, apparently, the leaflets had found themselves in their present location.

I suddenly realized that perhaps I should take these leaflets and start distributing them. Perhaps a couple in every campus building. It would make some sort of impact and it would definitely help the university’s Catholic identity. Indeed, pamphlets are the best way for us to reach out to others in our own time, when time is so limited.

For more information on Brother Adam Weisgerber, SJ, click here.

Our Lady of the Angels, pray for us!

St. Ignatius Loyola, pray for us!

Link to the full original post (here)


  1. I wanted to tell you how greatly I enjoy visiting your blog and reading about Jesuits around the world. It's really wonderful that you are doing this and it is much appreciated.

    I come and read you every day and I am very proud to be called an Ignaciophile.

    God bless,

    Brother Juniper

  2. Dear Brother Juniper,
    Like you a Jesuit touched me with a deep love for Jesus, I live in the after effects (A Grace filled Catholic Sacramental life) of such a wonderful period in my life. Jesuits are beat up every day in the blog world and it is an absolute shame some of the things people write about. Thank you for writing about Brother Adam, his work is not yet over.




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