Saturday, September 13, 2008

Abortion Legacy Of Fr. Drinan

This is from the blog Vivificant the post is entitled, The late Jesuit Father Robert Drinan: the priest who absolved pro-abortion politicians.

An excerpt.
Fr. Drinan scandalized the Catholic world when he supported President Clinton's veto of the Partial Abortion bill, arguing that the brutal "dilation and extraction" method is sometimes medically necessary. Fr. Drinan went so far as to demand "that Congress include an exception to allow the use of the partial-birth procedure if a doctor deemed it necessary to preserve the "health" of the mother--a vague phrase which pro-lifers long ago realized could be used to justify practically any abortion."

The largest anti-abortion organization in the US, the National Right to Life Committee, has documented Drinan's virtually perfect pro-abortion voting record and the way in which his votes were used by other legislators to justify their own support of the practice. A fundraising letter mailed during Fr. Drinan's last congressional run by the National Abortion Rights Action League, denounced the pro-life movement in the strongest terms and cited Drinan as a friend whose re-election to Congress was essential to the abortion cause. Catholic World News has reprinted a detailed exposé written by Mr. James Hitchcock in 1996, back then a historian at St. Louis University, and a founder of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, in which he examined the thread of obfuscation, disingenuousness, and purposeful misunderstanding that enabled Fr. Drinan to tenuously justify his partisan election run and his dissent from his superiors.

Photo of Nancy Pelosi and Fr. Drinan, about says it all. (here)

Link to the full post (here)


  1. You posted awhile ago about a Jesuit whose name was removed from a school in Oregon, and rightly so, because of rape charges.
    Are the Jesuits equally eager to distance themselves from Drinan the rapist of souls and complicit destroyer of numerous innocent lives?


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