Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unmissionable And Disobedient

New Book by Peace Activist Priest John Dear, SJ, Recounts Life of Civil Disobedience
By Michelle Halm, Senior Marketing Coordinator, Loyola Press

An excerpt.

Fr. John Dear, S.J. has organized hundreds of demonstrations against war and nuclear weapons. His work has taken him to war zones around the world, including Iraq, where he led a delegation of Nobel Peace Prize winners to witness the effects of sanctions on Iraqi children. It hasn't been an easy life.

His activism was generally not supported by his superiors, and he was considered "unmissionable" and "disobedient" by one Jesuit superior.
But for Dear, commitment to nonviolence is an all-or-nothing proposition. A Persistent Peace is the story of his consistent and tireless work for peace, including his arrests and imprisonments, death threats made against him for criticizing the military (including a threat from the father of one of his students at a Jesuit high school, who threatened to shoot him dead in front of his class), and many other amazing stories of social action for peace.

Link to the full publicity piece (here)


  1. Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit....wait, is this multiple choice?

    I'm gonna guess...Bad Jesuit.

  2. I was being snarky and you're being coy. ;-)


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