Monday, August 11, 2008

Rest In Peace Fr. Joseph Gelineau, S.J.

The Death of Pere Joseph Gelineau, S.J.

Father Joseph Gelineau, SJ, died Friday, August 8 to Sallanches (Hte Savoie). The funeral Mass will be held Tuesday, August 12 at 10.30 am in Vallorcine (Hte Savoie). Born on October 31, 1920 in Champ-sur-Layon in Maine-et-Loire, entered the Society of Jesus in 1941, he devoted his life to liturgical chant, including a component of many hymns. His psalms sung in french took part in the francophone area upon receipt of the liturgical reform of Vatican II. He studied theology at the major seminary of Lyon Fourvière, then writing music and the organ at the School-Cesar Franck de Paris. He was an advisor at the liturgical Vatican II. A graduate in theology through its Treaty Psalmodia of the Syrian Church of the fourth and fifth centuries, it was, furthermore, strongly inspired by the tradition of Gregorian chants. Joseph Gelineau has composed numerous songs for the church community of Taize and many of his works are played and sung at Masses and liturgies monastic.

Watch a 29 minute video of Fr. Joseph Gelineau, S.J. (here)

In the original French.

Décès du P. Joseph Gelineau, S.J.

Le Père Joseph Gelineau, sj, est décédé vendredi 8 août à Sallanches (Hte Savoie). La messe des funérailles aura lieu mardi 12 août à 10h.30 à Vallorcine (Hte Savoie). Né le 31 octobre 1920 à Champ-sur-Layon dans le Maine-et-Loire, entré dans la Compagnie de Jésus en 1941, il a consacré sa vie au chant liturgique, notamment en composant de nombreux cantiques. Ses psaumes chantés en français ont participé dans l'aire francophone à la réception de la réforme liturgique du Concile Vatican II. Il a étudié la théologie au grand séminaire de Lyon Fourvière, puis l'écriture musicale et l'orgue à l'École César-Franck de Paris. Il fut conseiller liturgique lors du concile Vatican II. Diplômé en théologie au travers de son Traité de Psalmodie de l'Église syrienne des IVe et Ve siècles, il était, en outre, fortement inspiré par la tradition des chants grégoriens.
Joseph Gelineau a composé de nombreux chants d'église pour la communauté de Taizé et nombre de ses œuvres sont jouées et chantées lors de messes et de liturgies monastiques.

Link to the original article (here)


  1. Thanks for the video link.
    I liked his early work on the Psalms, and some of his later Taizé music is beautiful.
    His Mass for Taizé can be heard here:


  2. I was lucky enough to have J.Gelineau as pastor during 10 of the most enlightening years of my life.
    I am sure that not only does he rest in peace, he is also playing music and accompanying angels choirs…
    Le Seigneur est mon berger, rien ne saurait me manquer...
    Thank you Joseph!

  3. Dear Anon,

    I had an awesome Jesuit pastor for six years and understand your love admiration for your favorite Jesuit.

  4. You have a very good blog that the main thing a lot of interesting and useful!


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