Monday, August 4, 2008

If You Only Had 15 Minutes Left To Live

“I only ask you to promise me that the first time you awake tonight, whatever time it may be, you will place yourself upon your bed, in the position of a dying man. You will represent to yourself as vividly as you can, that
you have only a quarter of an hour to live, and that when that short space of time is over, you will go to render an account to God of your life and to receive your sentence.
After several minutes, say to yourself: ‘If I were really thus, whom should I wish to have obeyed - God, Who calls me to serve Him, or the devil, who wishes to deter me from doing so?’ Listen to the answer which your soul gives to this question, then say to yourself: ‘Am I not certain to come to this some day?’

St. Ignatius Loyola to Laurence Maggio,

who was being tormented, and almost overcome by temptation, wished to leave the Society. This quote is found at a most wonderful place and has even more great spiritual classics in the Ignatian light, from Jesuit John Brown's Companion of Jesus website

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