Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day, Engles, Marx and Lenin At America Magazine?

The leading Jesuit publication, America Magazine has published from its archives a little romantic article written by Dorothy Day. The title of this sweet and melancholy piece? "The Diabolical Plot". The subject of the this article, Communism.

An excerpt.

In the Communist movement in America, the question of religion only comes up when a strike is being carried on in a Southern mill town, for instance, where the mountaineers are sincerely believers, or in city factories where the foreign labor is Catholic. In these cases, here are Lenin's directions in his writings on religion:

A Marxist must place the success of the strike movement above all else, must definitely oppose the division of the workers in this struggle into atheists and Christians, must fight resolutely against such a division .... We must not only admit into the ... party all those workers who still retain faith in God, we must redouble our efforts to recruit them. We are absolutely opposed to the slightest affront to these workers' religious convictions .... We do not declare, and must not declare in our program that we are "atheists."

It is the predictions of Freidrich Engels and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in their writing which disclose the "diabolic plot," the ultimate establishment of atheism, and one can only feel that the freeing of the masses from oppression is a means to an end, and not an end in itself.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto

Link to the full article (here)

The Legacy of Communism

Forgetting the Evils of Communism, Jonah Goldberg
Victims of Communism Foundation

Liberation Theology, the Pope and Marxism

Four Greek Catholic Martyrs of Communism

Liberation Theology and the Great Revolutionary Fantasy, by Phillip Berryman

Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S.J.

The Catholic Worker Movement: Toward a Theology of Liberation for First World Disciples
By Matthew R. Smith


  1. I was honestly shocked to read this 1933 reprint of Dorthy Day's article. For what purpose was it reprinted? Dorothy Day in 1933 could not foresee the immeasurable horrors that would be unleashed upon the Earth in the name of Marx, Engels and Lenin. If for the only reason that the article confirmed my skepticism of Dorothy Day, I guess I could call that positive. But I suspect that the intention of reprinting this article was in some way, a support of Dorthy Day and her radical ideas. I doubt that America Magazine will be reprinting any of Fr. Leonard Feeny's articles any time soon as a counter balance.

  2. Why should they reprint Fr Leonard Feeny,s Articles . The catholic church helped Marx and the rest to over throw the Tzar and kill his family. The catholic church is in the Bibli in Rev 17-5 and Dan 7-19-25 and Rev 13-3-10: 18. Carx Marx was Jesuit trained they laid out the Book for Marx


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