Friday, August 8, 2008

America Magazine Blog Writes On Anglican Immorality

From the America Magazine blog, In All Things, English writer from the Tablet Austen Ivereigh writes a sympathetic piece, that at times boggles the mind. Ivereigh writes as though he is the press secretary for the Anglican prelate.

An excerpt.

The London Times story here is that the Archbishop of Canterbury believes a ga_ _exual relationship can be compared to marriage. But it’s worth reading both letters in full here, as well as the response. The paper also carries a background piece here.

Revelation? No. What Dr Williams the theologian thinks of homo_exuality was spelled out in a 1989 essay for the group he founded many years ago, Affirming Catholicism, in which he disagreed with the idea that the Bible condemns homo_exuality.

Now do I have your attention?

Read this piece on an authentic Catholic view of the same subject (via CWN) from the Jesuit journal Civita Cattolica (here)

Now read the full piece in In All Things (here)

If you really want to read about whats going on in Great Britain in regards to the Roman Catholic and Anglican issues read Damian Thompson's blog Holy Smoke (here)

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